Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
THAT the recommendations set out within the body of report (immediately following sections 8, 15, 22, 29, 36 and 43) be approved as follows:-
Highgate Newtown Community Centre
(i) THAT £200,000 be drawn from corporate capital resources in order to procure and engage a multi-disciplinary team up to the planning application submission;
(ii) THAT officers will report to the Cabinet prior to planning submission with the business case for option/s and respective report on consultation;
Edith Neville School and Central Somers Town
(iii) THAT the Somers Town priorities described in Appendix 6 of the report be noted;
(iv) THAT the regeneration strategy for central Somers Town as set out in section 11 and in Appendix 5 of the report be agreed;
(v) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Children, Schools and Families, in consultation with the Director of Finance, the Borough Solicitor and the Director of Culture and Environment, to take all steps necessary to implement the scheme in accordance with the Somers Town priorities and the regeneration strategy, this to include the submission of a planning application and;
(a) Agreement that the project be implemented in accordance with the specific delegations approved as part of the July 2012 CIP Cabinet report (CENV/2012/25), which are included at Appendix 1 of the report, to the relevant service director (as specified below) in consultation with the Director of Finance;
(b) Agreement of the terms of and implementation and completion of disposals of property associated with this scheme in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Director of Children, Schools and Families, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(c) Agreement of terms for obtaining vacant possession of commercial property affected by this scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Director of Children Schools and Families, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(d) Agreement of contract award strategies and contract awards for the implementation of this scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Director of Children, Schools and Families, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(e) Appropriation of existing Council land under relevant powers as necessary to enable the implementation of the scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Head of Property Services, the Director of Children Schools and Families and the Borough Solicitor;
(vi) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Finance to exercise the option to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required;
(vii) THAT, in order to increase the benefits offered by the scheme or to comply with planning or other requirements, there may be minor amendments to the proposed scheme and expenditure budget and that authority be delegated to the Director of Finance to approve such amendments in consultation with the Director of Children, Schools and Families, the Director of Culture and Environment, the Director of Housing and Adult Social Care and the Borough Solicitor.
Kingsgate Primary School Expansion
(viii) THAT officers should proceed to the next stage of the statutory proposals process and publish a statutory notice regarding the expansion of Kingsgate Primary School;
(ix) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Children, Schools and Families, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, to consider the results of the representation stage of the statutory process and decide whether to give conditional approval to the expansion of Kingsgate Primary School;
(x) THAT the regeneration strategy for Liddell Road set out at Section 18 and Appendix 9 of the report be agreed;
(xi) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Children, Schools and Families, in consultation with the Director of Finance, the Borough Solicitor and the Director of Culture and Environment to take all steps necessary to implement the scheme in accordance with the regeneration strategy, this to include the submission of a planning application and
(a) Agreement that the project be implemented in accordance with the specific delegations approved as part of the July 2012 CIP Cabinet report (CENV/2012/25), which are included at Appendix 1 of the report, to the relevant Service Director (as specified below) in consultation with the Director of Finance;
(b) Agreement of the terms of, and implementation and completion of, disposals of property associated with this scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Director of Children, Schools and Families, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(c) Agreement of terms for obtaining vacant possession of commercial property affected by this scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Director of Children Schools and Families, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(d) Agreement of contract award strategies and contract awards for the implementation of this scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Director of Children, Schools and Families, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(e) Appropriation of existing Council land under relevant powers as necessary to enable the implementation of the scheme, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Head of Property Services, the Director of Children, Schools and Families and the Borough Solicitor;
(xii) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Finance to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required;
(xiii) THAT, in order to increase the benefits offered by the scheme or to comply with planning or other requirements, there may be minor amendments to the proposed scheme and expenditure budget and authority be delegated to the Director of Finance to approve such amendments in consultation with the Director of Children, Schools and Families, the Director of Culture and Environment, the Director of Housing and Adult Social Care and the Borough Solicitor.
Agar Grove Estate Regeneration
(xiv) THAT the proposed regeneration strategy and delivery of the Agar Grove Estate regeneration project be agreed as set out in the report, including the submission of a planning application in mid-December 2013;
(xv) THAT Phase 1 will be delivered as ‘Council as developer’, subject to the stipulations in respect of Community Investment Programme performance and funding availability set out at paragraph 28.1 of the report. The delivery route for Phase 2 will be subject to a Cabinet update and delegated authority to the Director of Housing and Adult Social Care to make such amendments in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Borough Solicitor;
(xvi) THAT it be noted that contractual commitment of this project with ‘Council as developer’ will mean that the available debt cap on Housing Revenue Account funding will be largely committed to this project from 2018/19 until 2021-2023, based on current projections of funding availability, and therefore no further major projects may be committed until further funds become available;
(xvii) THAT the project be implemented in accordance with the specific delegations 1 to 6 approved as part of the July 2012 CIP Cabinet report (CENV/2012/25), which are included in the Appendix 1, to the relevant Service Director in consultation with the Director of Finance, including:
(a) Agreement of the terms of and implementation and completion of acquisitions or disposals of property associated with this project in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(b) Agreement of terms for obtaining vacant possession of commercial and other non-residential properties affected by this project, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(c) Agreement of contract award strategies and contract awards for the implementation of this project, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(d) Making of a compulsory purchase order for land required for this project, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and the Borough Solicitor;
(e) Issuing of Initial Demolition Notices (and subsequently Final Notices if appropriate and legal requirements are met) on affected secure tenants in order to suspend the requirement for the Council to complete Right to Buy applications for as long as the Notices remain in force, in consultation with the Borough Solicitor;
(f) Appropriation of existing Council land under relevant powers as necessary to enable the implementation of the scheme, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(xviii) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Finance to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required;
(xix) THAT it be noted that there may be further minor amendments to the revised scheme, in order to comply with planning or other requirements;
Gospel Oak Infill and Maitland Park Sites
(xx) THAT the regeneration strategies for the estates be agreed as set out in the report and that the project be implemented in accordance with the specific delegations 1, 3 and 6 approved as part of the July 2012 Community Investment Programme Cabinet report (CENV/2012/25) to the relevant Service Director in consultation with the Director of Finance, including:-
(a) Agreement of the terms of and implementation and completion of acquisitions or disposals of property associated with this project, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(b) Agreement of contract award strategies and contract awards for the implementation of this project, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(c) Appropriation of existing Council land under relevant powers as necessary to enable the implementation of the scheme, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor;
(xxi) THAT authority be delegated to the Directors of Housing and Adult Social Care and Culture and Environment to enter into a formal agreement with the developers of off-site affordable donor sites to fund the delivery of new homes on the Council’s land at Kiln Place, Grafton Terrace and Barrington and Lamble estates;
(xxii) THAT authority be delegated to the Director of Finance to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required;
Bourne Estate Regeneration – Updated Business Case
(xxiii) THAT the revised single phase regeneration strategy be agreed; and
(xxiv) THAT the new budget of £23.3m be agreed.
For the reasons set out in the report.
Publication date: 06/12/2013
Date of decision: 04/12/2013
Decided at meeting: 04/12/2013 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: