Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
(i) THAT the updates on progress across the programme and on specific sites be noted as set out in the report; and
(ii) THAT the project-specific decisions set out within the body of the report (immediately following sections 2.48, 3.41, 4.32, 5.16, 6.53 and 7.40) be agreed as follows:
Abbey Area Development
1. Agrees the regeneration strategy set out in this report.
2. Agrees that that the project be implemented in line with the regeneration strategy and in accordance with the specific delegations set out in at paragraph 2.19 of this report.
3. Delegates to the Director of Finance the option to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required.
Bourne Estate Regeneration
1. Approves the Regeneration and Contract award Strategy for the Bourne Estate
2. Agrees that that the project be implemented in line with the Regeneration Strategy and in accordance with the specific delegations set out at Section 7 (scheme of delegations) of this report
3. Delegates to the Director of Finance the option to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required.
Liddell Road
1. Having considered the updated primary places information in the report and attached at Appendix 4, an additional two forms of entry are required within the primary sector in the north west of the borough.
2. Officers should commence consultation in line with The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools)(England) Regulations 2007 as amended regarding the possible expansion of Kingsgate Primary School onto part of the Liddell Road site.
3. Officers should work up a mixed-use development scheme to include new school provision, employment uses and residential development across both Sites A and B with the boundary between the uses to be determined as part of the feasibility study with officers reporting back to the Cabinet in autumn regarding the proposed development of the site.
4. Officers should report back to the Cabinet in the autumn outlining the results of the initial consultation period so that a decision can be made on whether to publish a public notice on the proposed expansion of Kingsgate Primary.
Weedington Road Centre and Queens Crescent Community Association (QCCA)
1. Approves the relocation of QCCA community services from Lawn Road and Maitland Park Gym to the Weedington Centre upon the terms set out in the report.
2. Delegates authority to the Head of Property Services to complete the financial arrangements for transfer of services, the lease and the adaptation works to the Weedington Centre.
Camden Centre for Learning
1. That, having considered the consultation responses set out above and in Appendix 9, officers may proceed to the next stage of the statutory proposals process and issue a public notice regarding the proposed changes to Chalcot School.
2. That, as part of the proposed Camden Centre for Learning, Jack Taylor be used as a satellite for Chalcot School on a temporary basis until July 2014 as set out in paragraphs 6.18 – 6.22.
3. That a final decision on the statutory proposals process for proposed changes to Chalcot be delegated to the Director of Children, Schools and Families in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children.
Scheme of Delegation for CIP Projects
(a) That the principle that every strategy report seeking overall Cabinet approval for a CIP project will seek authority for the following framework of delegations to apply to that project (unless otherwise specified).
(b) That authority be delegated to the relevant Service Director in consultation with the Director of Finance to:
1. Agree the terms of and implement and complete acquisitions or disposals of property associated with a project in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor.
2. Agree terms for obtaining vacant possession of commercial and other non-residential properties affected by projects in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor.
3. Agree contract award strategies and contract awards for the implementation of a project in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Cabinet Member for Resources, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor.
4. Make a compulsory purchase order for land required for a project in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and the Borough Solicitor.
5. Issue Initial Demolition Notices (and subsequently Final Notices if appropriate and legal requirements are met) on affected secure tenants in order to suspend the requirement for the Council to complete Right to Buy applications for as long as the Notices remain in force in consultation with the Borough Solicitor.
6. Appropriate existing Council land under relevant powers as necessary to enable the implementation of the scheme in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, the Head of Property Services and the Borough Solicitor.
Publication date: 20/07/2012
Date of decision: 18/07/2012
Decided at meeting: 18/07/2012 - Cabinet
Effective from: 28/07/2012
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