Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Wednesday, 6th December, 2017 7.00 pm

Venue: The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. View directions

Contact: Vicky Wemyss-Cooke  Email:

No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Councillor Apak.  An apology for lateness was received from Councillor Harrison.


Declarations by Members of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests in Respect of Items on this Agenda


There were no declarations.


Deputations pdf icon PDF 252 KB


One deputation was heard in relation to Item 13 Community Investment Programme – Update on Delivery Strategy of Future Projects, from James Waite on behalf of Queens Crescent Community Centre and Gospel Oak Action Link.


The Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities responded to the deputation, thanking all those in the community who had worked so hard towards obtaining the right outcomes for Gospel Oak and assuring them of the Council’s continued commitment to investment in Gospel Oak and Haverstock wards.



Webcasting of the Meeting


The Chair to announce the following: “In addition to the rights by law that the public and press have to record and film public meetings, I would like to remind everyone present that this meeting will be broadcast live by the Council to the Internet and will be capable of repeated viewing and copies of the recording could be made available to those that request them.


If you are seated in the chamber it is likely that the Council’s cameras will capture your image and you are deemed to be consenting to being filmed and to the use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes.  If you are addressing the Committee your contribution will be recorded and broadcast unless you have already indicated that you do not wish this to happen.


If you wish to avoid appearing on the Council’s webcast you should move to one of the galleries.”


Any Other Announcements





At the beginning of the meeting, Councillor Gould reminded those present that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet and that anyone who did not wish to appear on the webcast should take a seat in one of the galleries.  She also reminded those present of the public’s right to film, record and report.


Notification of Any Items of Business that the Chair Decides to Take as Urgent


There was no notification.


Representations Received about Why the Meeting Should be Open to the Public

On occasions part of a Cabinet meeting will be held in private and not open to the public, if an item is being considered which is likely to lead to the disclosure of exempt or confidential information. In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, members of the public can make representations about why that part of the meeting should be open to the public.


No such representations were received in respect of items on this agenda.


There were no representations received.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 168 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2017.




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 18th October 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Matters Referred from a Council Scrutiny Committee

At this point in the meeting items referred from a Council Scrutiny Committee requiring urgent consideration will be taken.



There were none.



Please note that there were no alternative options considered or rejected by the Cabinet for the following items, unless indicated, although Cabinet Members duly considered, where applicable, options listed within the reports.



Review of Camden Medium Term Financial Strategy (CS/2017/11) pdf icon PDF 726 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation


This report:


·         Notes that in response to the challenging financial climate of reductions to funding and cost pressures, including those in adult social care, the Cabinet intends to propose a 4.99% increase in council tax next year. This proposal will be included as part of the 2018/19 revenue Estimates and Council Tax Report for approval by Council in February.

·         Provides an overview of the council’s financial position and the deployment of its resources towards the achievement of outcomes in the Camden Plan.

·         Sets out the outlook for council funding following the Autumn Budget and notes that the council expects to be able to set a balanced budget in 2018/19 subject to the delivery of the current financial strategy, council tax decisions and any changes to the council’s funding outlook.

·         Provides a progress report on the implementation of the 4 year, £78m financial strategy.

·         Notes that the Council should prepare for the likelihood of further cuts after the delivery of the current strategy and introduces our approach to closing the expected funding gap via a new medium term financial strategy.

·         Notes the latest developments of the London-wide 100% Business Rates Retention Pilot for 2018/19.

·         Provides an update of the current and potential financial implications of the Chalcots operation.

·         Sets out various developments and pressures that will impact on the 2018/19 budget in preparation for setting a balanced budget in February 2018.

·         Asks the Cabinet to agree new fees and charges and to agree the fees and charges where the proposed increase is over 5%, and to delegate decisions to agree increases below 5%.

·         Sets out the primary financial risks the council faces over the medium-term, in particular regarding the capital programme.


Consideration was given to the report, which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation.


In response to a question regarding business rates appeals, the Director of Finance remarked that the Valuation Office Agency had produced a draft list of business rates and business were being encouraged to engage with this at an early stage in order to decrease the likelihood of appeals once bills had been issued.


Members commented on the continued strain on public sector finances and the additional pressures that may result from issues such as Brexit and the government’s failure to reimburse Council’s for caring for unaccompanied asylum seeker children.




(i)            THAT the latest developments regarding the Council’s funding outlook as set out in paragraphs 4.1 4.3 of the report be noted;


(ii)          THAT the progress towards implementing the current financial strategy as set out in paragraphs 4.8 4.19 of the report, including the 2018/19 budget reductions in Adult Social Care as set out in the Delivering strengths based and sustainable Adult Social Care: phase two Medium Term Financial Strategy savings proposals (2018/19) paper also on the agenda and referred to in paragraphs 4.16 4.18 of the report be noted;


(iii)         THAT the projected medium-term deficit following the completion of the current financial strategy and the new framework to deliver the required budget reductions, as set out in paragraphs 4.4 4.7 of the report, be noted;


(iv)         THAT the recent developments regarding a London-wide business rates pilot pool for 2018/19 be noted and the designation of a pool by the Secretary of State as set out in paragraphs 4.24 4.29 of the report be agreed in principle, but it be noted that the final decision will rest with the Leader in accordance with paragraph 4.28 of the report;


(v)       THAT the current estimates of 2018/19 pressures as presented in paragraphs 4.35 4.37 of the report be noted;


(vi)       THAT authority be delegated to Executive Directors to decide increases to existing fees and charges up to a maximum of 5%, in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders;


(vii)      THAT the particular content in Appendix B of the report setting out supporting information for the new fees and charges and the fees and charges where the proposed increase is over 5% be noted;


(viii)     THAT the new fees and charges shown in Appendix C of the report be agreed;


(ix)       THAT the increase in fees and charges where the proposed increase is over 5% as shown in Appendix D of the report be agreed;


(x)        THAT the outcomes of the review of earmarked reserves and the balances available for reallocation as set out in paragraphs 4.56 4.57 be noted; and


(xi)       THAT the forecast financial outturn position for 2017/18 discussed in section 4.58 4.59 (revenue) and section 4.65 4.67 (capital) be noted.


                        ACTION BY:             Executive Director Corporate Services




For the reasons set out in the report.


Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2018-19 (CS/2017/23) pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation


This report recommends a Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age people for the year 2018/19 to help people on low incomes pay their Council Tax.


By keeping the Council Tax Reduction Scheme at its current level, we are preventing further reductions in living standards for families receiving benefits meeting the Camden Plan’s long term goal to eliminate child poverty in the borough and the Council’s wider commitment to making Council Tax fairer.


It also looks at how the Council Tax Reduction Scheme operated in 2017/18


This report is coming to Cabinet because each financial year the Council must consider whether to maintain, revise or replace its scheme.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation.


Members welcomed the continuation of this discretionary policy in times of financial pressure.




THAT it be recommended to Council that no change be made to the current Council Tax Reduction Scheme for the financial year 2018/19.


                        ACTION BY:             Executive Director Corporate Services




For the reasons set out in the report.



Policy for Awarding Reductions in Council Tax and Business Rates (CS/2017/39) pdf icon PDF 438 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation


This report reviews the existing policy for awarding discretionary reductions in council tax and recommends introducing a new exemption for Camden care leavers who go on to live in Camden and have to pay council tax. The existing policy requires changes to it to come before Cabinet.


The exemption will support young people who have left care as they transition into independence and therefore makes a direct contribution to the Camden Plan objective of giving everyone a chance to succeed and ensuring no one is left behind. It also supports the Council’s Parenting Looked After Children strategy.



Consideration was given to a report which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation.


Members welcomed the introduction of this measure to assist care leavers to remain in the borough.




THAT the revised council tax and business rates discretionary reductions policy as set out in Appendix A of the report, which reflects the recommended change to exempt care leavers from council tax up to age 25, be approved, with effect from 1 April 2018.


                        ACTION BY:             Executive Director Corporate Services




For the reasons set out in the report.


Delivering Strengths Based and Sustainable Adult Social Care: Phase Two Medium Term Financial Strategy Savings Proposals (SP/2017/25) pdf icon PDF 237 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Tackling Health Inequality and Promoting Independence


As set out in the Camden Plan, we want Camden to be a place where everyone can succeed and nobody is left behind. High quality sustainable adult social care is central to our ambition.


Cabinet approved Supporting people, connecting communities – Our plan for living and ageing well in Camden 2018 – 2025 in October 2017. This strategic plan is a whole Council approach for working with adults who may need support, their carers and wider communities. With Camden’s population predicted to grow and increased demand upon services, rising expectations of citizens and significant financial challenges facing adult social care, the strategic plan sets out a sustainable model for the future. The principles of the strategic plan were agreed by Cabinet in December 2016, alongside an ‘invest to change’ approach to support the transformation of services and to achieve a further £2.39m of savings in 2018/19. This report therefore sets out the next phase of savings proposals for 2018/19. Cabinet is asked to agree the phase two medium term financial plan proposals.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Tackling Health Inequality of Promoting Independence.


Officers and voluntary and community sector partners were thanked for the hard work that they had undertaken under difficult circumstances.




(i)            THAT, having had due regard to the equality impacts as detailed in Appendix B of the report, the proposed additional savings plan for 2018/19 be agreed in principle, as summarised in table 1 at paragraph 3.4 and set out in full at Appendix A of the report; and


(ii)          THAT authority be delegated to the Executive Director Supporting People for each proposal at Appendix A of the report as follows:


i.   To decide whether and how to implement the specific savings identified within each proposal together with any related additional savings that flow from the project having had due regard to the Council’s general equality duties, any other applicable legal duties and the results of any consultation undertaken in respect of the proposal;


ii.  To undertake any necessary consultation exercise for the purposes of (i);


iii.Where the proposals involve organisation restructures of more than 20 staff, to implement such organisational changes in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Portfolio Member.


ACTION BY:             Executive Director Supporting People




For the reasons set out in the report.


Community Investment Programme - Update of Delivery Strategy of Future Projects (SC/2017/48) pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Report of Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities


The Community Investment Programme (CIP) is Camden’s pioneering and ambitious approach to delivering a range of community infrastructure including affordable housing, schools, community facilities and improved social housing. CIP is the Council’s key delivery vehicle for achieving the aims of the Camden plan – to work with our residents to realise their ambitions for their communities, to reduce inequality, share the benefits of economic growth and create vibrant and cohesive communities.


This report outlines the Council’s approach to the development of options for Gospel Oak (incorporating West Kentish Town and Wendling estates), and the Council’s exploration of development of sites at Camley Street. Camley Street currently suffers from a poor quality and unwelcoming environment. Vibrant mixed-use regeneration could provide significant community benefit. This report sets out how Camley Street might provide a capital receipt to support delivery of comprehensive estate-led regeneration in Gospel Oak, and reduce the financial risk associated with a large and complex regeneration scheme of this scale.


The report outlines next steps to work up more detailed options for Gospel Oak including a feasibility study to develop deliverable schemes in collaboration with residents. The report sets out how the Council will progress options for mixed-use development at Camley Street that would deliver new employment space, homes and improved amenities and public realm for the wider area.


The report requests Cabinet approval to agree in principle the approach to use the Oseney Crescent (Greenwood Annexe) site for the provision of intermediate rented accommodation: converting empty sheltered accommodation into affordable homes for people who would otherwise not be able to afford to stay in the borough. 


Consideration was given to the report.  The Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities remarked on the government’s wish to come to bespoke arrangements with authorities that wished to build and noted that Camden had a good case.  In response to comments from ward councillors, be reaffirmed the commitment to investment in housing and the maximisation of employment opportunities for Camden residents despite the challenges facing the borough.




(i)           THAT the approach to bring forward proposals for regeneration in Gospel Oak and Camley Street with a view to realising a capital receipt from Camley Street that would be reinvested in affordable housing elsewhere in the Borough, most importantly at Gospel Oak, as detailed in sections 3.1 – 3.14 of the report, be agreed;


(ii)          THAT it be agreed to proceed to developing a robust review of opportunities for Community Investment Programme schemes at West Kentish Town and Wendling estates and associated smaller sites, as set out in section 3.5 – 3.8 of the report, and to delegate decisions regarding contract award for consultancy services to the Director of Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities;


(iii)         THAT the proposals to undertake further feasibility work for Camley Street to develop options for a mixed use development, as set out in sections 3.9 - 3.14 of the report, be noted; and


(iv)         THAT the regeneration strategy for Oseney Crescent (Greenwood Annex) to refurbish the existing units for the provision of intermediate rented accommodation, including the submission of a planning application and the proposed disposal of the site to Camden Living, be agreed as set out in paragraphs 3.15 – 3.19 of the report. And:

·         THAT that this project be implemented in accordance with the specific delegations approved as part of the July 2012 Community Investment Programme Cabinet report (CENV/2012/25), which are included in Appendix 1 of the report, to the Executive Director Supporting Communities in consultation with the Executive Director Corporate Services.

·         THAT authority be delegated to the Executive Director Corporate Services to agree expenditure budgets for this scheme, subject to appropriate funding being identified, and that the option to undertake prudential borrowing to support the capital funding requirements of the scheme if required be delegated to the Executive Director Corporate Services.


ACTION BY:             Executive Director Supporting Communities/Executive Director Corporate Services




For the reasons set out in the report.


Camden's Statement of Licensing Policy 2018-2021 under the Gambling Act 2005 (SC/2017/47) pdf icon PDF 336 KB

Report of the Executive Director Supporting Communities


This report sets out the purpose of Camden’s Statement of Licensing Policy (the Policy) under the Gambling Act 2005 and explains the process the Council has followed to review and amend its current Policy.


The Policy helps to deliver the Camden Plan objectives of creating conditions for and harnessing the benefits of economic growth, and investing in our communities to ensure sustainable neighbourhoods.


It informs the Licensing Committee of the responses to the statutory 12 weeks consultation, proposes a number of changes to the existing Policy and the introduction of a Local Area Profile (LAP), which is an assessment of the key characteristics of Camden in the context of gambling-related harm.     


This report presents the draft Policy at Appendix 1and LAP at Appendix 2 and asks the Licensing Committee to consider, comment on and recommend that the Council approve and adopt the revised Policy and LAP for publication.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report, which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation who thanked the Cabinet Member for Promoting Culture and Communities for his work on the development of the policy.




(i)            THAT the content of the proposed Policy, the Local Area Profile and the Licensing Committee’s recommendation to Council be noted; and


(ii)          THAT the Licensing Committee’s decision to refer the draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2018-2021 and Local Area Profile to full Council for adoption and publication be endorsed.


ACTION BY:             Executive Director Supporting Communities




For the reasons set out in the report.


Maria Fidelis School, North Gower Street - Strategy for Implementing Meanwhile Uses when the Site becomes Vacant in 2019 (SC/2017/50) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities


The Maria Fidelis School in North Gower Street will be vacant in 2019 after the school relocates. The property is jointly owned by the London Borough of Camden and London & Continental Railways Ltd (LCR), with a legal agreement in place that deals with the site’s management strategy and future disposal. The long term strategy for the site is to realise its full development and disposal potential following the regeneration of the Euston area and near completion of the HS2 construction.


In the interim period the site will be used for meanwhile uses designed to mitigate against the impact of HS2. The Council has completed a feasibility study to identify and recommend the optimal temporary “meanwhile uses” scheme that it wishes to implement with LCR. This is a medium term measure over 10 years, before the full development and disposal potential of the site can be realised.


The proposed scheme includes temporary open space and the Euston Construction Skills Centre, that both provide essential mitigation to the community from the impact of HS2. It also meets Camden Plan objectives regarding economic growth and investing in our communities. This report seeks Cabinet approval of the recommended scheme, which is subject to detailed design and detailed agreement with LCR. This report is coming to Cabinet for decision in order to secure Member support, allowing both parties to commence implementation of the project at the earliest opportunity.


This report has an appendix which contains information exempt within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 and is not for publication. The appendix has therefore been circulated to Cabinet Members only.


If the Cabinet wishes to discuss the contents of a closed exempt appendix it may pass the proposed resolution identified at the end of the document to exclude members of the public and the press from the proceedings for that discussion.


Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report, which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Investing in Communities.




THAT the recommended scheme be endorsed, subject to detailed design and detailed agreement with the co-owners London and Continental Railways Ltd.


ACTION BY:             Executive Director Supporting Communities




For the reasons set out in the report.


Transfer of Adults' Community Health Services to the Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (SP/2017/25) pdf icon PDF 188 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Tackling Health Inequality and Promoting Independence


The Council and Camden Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) have a contract dating back to 2006, known as a Section 75 (s75) agreement, under which the Council carries out commissioning and other functions on behalf of the CCG. The arrangement covers the commissioning of community health services for adults and children and the full range of mental health and learning disability services’ commissioning. The teams are also responsible for commissioning a range of Council services.  In November 2016, the CCG and the Council agreed that they would extend the existing arrangements to make the commissioning of CCG and Council services fully integrated within the Council’s management structure. The Director of Integrated Commissioning undertook a staffing restructuring to give effect to this agreement and the new arrangements began in January 2017.  There is also a section 75 agreement for the management of the Better Care Fund. 


However, in light of additional challenges that have emerged in the health system, the CCG  governing body decided on 8 November 2017 to take back responsibility for the adults’ community health commissioning functions. The CCG has made it clear that its decision is not a reflection on the work of the team but because of the additional pressures in the system, particularly preparing for an especially demanding winter and the additional financial challenges in the NHS. The Council understands the pressures that have led to this change of mind by the CCG and we know this winter will be a difficult one for our NHS colleagues. Therefore officers have accepted the CCG’s decision and, as a result, the Executive Director, Supporting People, acting under the terms of the agreements, has given written approval to the necessary variations to the s75 agreements.  [

It is important that the Council continues to work collaboratively with the CCG and all partners to integrate front-line services to deliver the objectives of the Camden Plan and the Camden local care strategy to benefit Camden residents.


The report sets out the progress made to date in integrated commissioning and the implications of the CCG’s decisions for the Council and its staff. It should be noted that it is not anticipated that there will be any job losses as a result of this decision. 


This report is coming to Cabinet because the CCG’s decision to resume responsibility for adults’ community health commissioning is of significance in relation to the future arrangements for important services for Camden residents.


Consideration was given to the report, which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Tackling Health Inequality and Promoting Independence.  The Director of Integrated Commissioning also summarised the reasons behind the decision and the arrangements for how the Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group would continue to work together in the future.


Members of the Cabinet noted with regret the Clinical Commissioning Group’s decision, and the pressures that led NHS bodies to act such a way, but the Leader emphasised that integrated service delivery would continue to be the priority in order to give residents a holistic experience.




THAT the decision of the Camden Clinical Commissioning Group that it wishes to assume direct responsibility for the commissioning of adult community health services, and the consequential actions of officers to vary the Section 75 agreements between the Council and the Camden Clinical Commissioning Group and transfer the relevant staff and functions, be noted.




For the reasons set out in the report.


Procurement Strategy: Film Service (SC/2017/51) pdf icon PDF 185 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Promoting Culture and Communities


This report outlines the current arrangement for the delivery of the Council’s Film Service, which co-ordinates location filming activity in the borough, and the proposed procurement strategy for a replacement arrangement.


This report is necessary because the current delivery contract with FilmFixer Limited is due to expire in May 2018 and Cabinet is being asked to agree the procurement strategy for Camden to lead on a tender process in partnership with London Borough of Islington and London Borough of Lambeth to procure a new supply contract.


The report outlines how the new contract aims to support the Camden Plan outcomes and priorities for social and economic improvement and to ensure the service we provide is of a high standard and value for money (see Section 7), and sets out our approach to community engagement via an ongoing consultation strategy (see section 8).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the report, which was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Culture and Communities.




THAT the procurement strategy for the future of the Council’s Film Service to manage location filming in the borough, as set out in paragraph 3.5 of the report, be agreed.


ACTION BY:             Executive Director Supporting Communities




For the reasons set out in the report.


Chalcots Estate Permanent Cladding Solution Update (SC/2017/56) pdf icon PDF 161 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council


This report sets out the Council’s progress on the removal and replacement of the external cladding facade at the five Chalcots Estate blocks in Swiss Cottage. This report in particular outlines the recommended process for seeking planning approval for the permanent cladding façade replacement. This update is being brought at this stage prior to the final decision in January. The report sets out the below:


·         Background to the Council’s work including an update on progress to date including removal of the current system and interim measures;

·         Information on the proposed permanent cladding façade replacement options including the outcome of resident engagement; and

·         An outline of the process for seeking planning approval.





Consideration was given to the report, which was introduced by the Leader of the Council.  She confirmed that there had been no further news from the government with regard to any assistance with costs.




THAT the progress in the development of options for replacement cladding be noted.




For the reasons set out in the report.


Any Other Business that the Chair Decides to Take as Urgent


There was no such business.