All of Camden’s 55 Councillors meet
together at full Council which decides on Camden's overall policies
and budget.
Full Council considers some of the most important
matters, including setting the budget, agreeing the Council tax and
approving some of the Council’s main policies. The Council
also approves the
Constitution. Council has responsibility for a variety of
functions – called non-executive functions - but does not
carry out all of these itself – some functions are delegated
to Committees and Sub-Committees of the Council. Further detail of full Council, its functions and
delegations to Committees and Sub-Committees can be found in the
After decisions are taken by full Council,
officers carry out the work to deliver the different services that
the Council is responsible for.
The Council, at its annual meeting each
May, elects a Mayor for the coming year. The Mayor chairs full
Council meetings and undertakes a number of civic and ceremonial
At its first meeting after the Council elections,
the Council appoints the Leader of the Council. The
Leader’s term is 4 years and he or she appoints the Cabinet
annually. The Council also decides on the size and membership of
all the Council’s committees.
The Council meets around seven times a year
and all meetings are held in the Crowndale Centre and are open to
the public to attend. If you would like to attend a meeting of full
Council, details of meeting dates can be found on the
Decision Making in Camden webpages. Details of how to
make a request to address a Council meeting (known as making a
deputation) can be found here.
All meetings of the full
Council are streamed live on the Council’s website and are
available to watch for a year after the meeting. If you wish to
watch a webcast of one of the Council meetings, please visit our
webcast webpage.