The Committee is responsible for the council's
policy on licensing matters and on related issues such as
information about enforcement activity. This includes granting
licenses the sale or supply of alcohol, the provision of regulated
entertainment and the provision of late night
The Committee meets three times a year and
consists of all councillors who are on a licensing panel. The
meeting is normally
The Committee has delegated some of its
functions to sub-committees (known as Panels) to cope with the
large number of licensing applications each municipal
There are 5 Panels:
Licensing Panel A
Licensing Panel B
Licensing Panel C
Licensing Panel D
Licensing Panel E
The Committee has also delegated its functions
in relation to applications for sexual entertainment venue licences
to these Licensing Panels.
If you wish to address a meeting of the
Licensing Committee (known as making a deputation) on any matter on
its agenda you should make a written request, summarising what you
wish to say, to be received by the clerk to the Committee no later
than 5pm two working days before the meeting.