The Health and Adult Social
Care Scrutiny Committee scrutinises matters relating to health,
public health and adult social care and hears the views of local
residents, with a view to improving health/care services, reducing
health inequalities and improving the health/care of local
It also scrutinises the impact
of the Council’s own services and of key partnerships
(including the Health and Wellbeing Board) on the health of its
It responds to consultations by
local health trusts and by the Department of Health.
It considers whether changes
proposed by local health trusts amount to a substantial variation
or development and, if so, takes appropriate action including
appointing members to any joint committee where the proposals cover
more than one local authority’s area.
It undertakes all statutory
health scrutiny functions.
It receives and responds to
referrals and reports from Healthwatch relating to health services
in the area of Camden.
It receives and respond to referrals and reports from the
Local Involvement Network relating to adult social care services in
the area of Camden, in accordance with the Local Government and
Public Involvement in Health Act, 2007 regulations and
For information about the North Central London Joint Health
Overview and Scrutiny Committee please click