To approve the procurement strategy for the replacement of the external wall insulation at the Cromer Street Estate, this work to be funded by the Government’s Building Safety Fund.
Decision type: Key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: King's Cross;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/09/2020
This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.
Reason for urgency:
The Council needs to procure a contract to replace external wall insulation and have confirmed tender pricing by mid-December 2020 to meet Government mandated timescales. This requires the procurement process to start in October.
Decision due: 14 Oct 2020 by Leader of the Council
Department: Supporting Communities
Contact: Susanne Afra, Head of Capital Works Email: Tel: 07876 478156.
Consultation process
Consultation is being undertaken with residents on the proposed works.
Report Available: 6 October 2020
ID Number: SC/2020/97