Decision details

Safe and Healthy Streets: Enabling Safer Travel in Camden – Dockless Bike Hire and Rental E-Scooter Parking Bays Phase 8 – Permanent Proposals

Decision Maker: Chief Engineer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This report seeks approval from the Chief Engineer, following consultation with the Director of Environment and Sustainability, to implement Phase 8 of the Dockless Bike Hire and Rental E-Scooter (DBH&RES) parking bay Programme. This consists of proposals to provide 12 new DBH&RES parking bays and extend 9 existing DBH&RES parking bays at 21 sites across the Borough (15 on street and 6 on the pavement). Public consultations on the proposals for 23 sites detailed in this report were undertaken from 29th February 2024 to 22nd March 2024. Proposals to amend existing traffic management orders for 16 sites were advertised in a statutory Traffic Management Order (TMO) consultation also undertaken from 29th February 2024 to 22nd March 2024, in parallel with the public consultations. The pavement sites were not included in the TMO consultation as they would not require TMO amendments. Officers recommend taking forward proposals for 21 of the 23 sites.


The proposals meet the objectives of We Make Camden by helping create clean, vibrant, and sustainable places by providing new or extended DBH&RES parking bays at 21 sites, which would help to encourage residents to cycle and e-scoot more (while helping to enable the continued rental e-scooter trial in the Borough) instead of driving motor vehicles, or using over-crowded public transport systems. This would in turn contribute to improving air quality and lowering carbon emissions in the borough.


THAT the Chief Engineer, following consultation with the Director of Environment and Sustainability, and having considered the proposals in relation to the objectives set out in the Camden Transport Strategy, the public consultation results (Section 6 and Appendix H), the Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) (Section 4 and Appendix E), having due regard to the needs set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, and subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed design:


1)    notes the responses received relating to the installation of new or extended DBH&RES bays at 23 sites during: (1) the public consultations undertaken from 29th February 2024 to 22nd March 2024, and; (2) the statutory Traffic Management Order (TMO) consultation also undertaken from 29th February 2024 to 22nd March 2024;

2)    approves the recommended proposals for 21 of the 23 proposed sites, including where necessary the making and implementation of the TMO amendments consulted on, for the DBH&RES sites as summarised in sections 2 and 7 of this report and listed in Appendix ‘A’;

3)    and delegates to the Transport Design Team Manager the authority to take any further decisions required for the implementation of the recommended proposals.

Publication date: 21/10/2024

Date of decision: 04/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: