Decision details

Safe and Healthy Streets: Cycle Permeability Programme Phase 4 Proposals

Decision Maker: Director of Environment and Sustainability

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


This report seeks approval from the Director of Environment and Sustainability, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Camden, to implement Phase 4 of the Cycle Permeability Programme at seven locations in the borough, as set out in Section 2 of this report, and for which a decision is sought. The locations are: 1. Alfred Place, 2. Belsize Terrace, 3. Hadley Street & Castle Road, 4. Handel Street, Kenton Street and Hunter Street, 5. Herbrand Street, 6. Maresfield Gardens, and 7. Streatham Street. 


The proposals aim to transform the public realm, make the roads safer, improve accessibility for cyclists, help to make walking safer, easier, and more enjoyable, while improving the local environment and air quality by introducing low level planting and planting trees. 


Public consultations on the 7 scheme proposals detailed in this report were undertaken from 19th February 2024 to 9th March 2024. 


The report follows a consideration of relevant policies and the public consultation on the proposals. The proposals meet the objectives of We Make Camden by helping create clean, vibrant, and sustainable places and making it easier for people to travel by active modes of transport, which would help to encourage residents to cycle more instead of driving motor vehicles. This would in turn contribute to improving air quality and lowering carbon emissions in the borough. The proposals also meet the objectives of We Make Camden by improving biodiversity, reducing the impacts of flooding, and responding to the impacts of climate change.


THAT the Director of Environment and Sustainability, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Camden, and having considered the proposals in relation to the objectives set out in the Camden Transport Strategy, the public consultation results (Section 6 and Appendix B), the Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) (Section 4 and Appendix A), the Strategic Policy Alignments (Appendix C), having due regard to the needs set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, and subject to compliance with relevant statutory requirements and detailed design:


(i)             approves the implementation of the proposed Cycle Permeability changes at the 7 scheme locations, as summarised in section 2 of this report; and

(ii)            delegates to the Chief Engineer the authority to take any further decisions required for the implementation of the recommended proposals.

Publication date: 09/07/2024

Date of decision: 25/06/2024

Accompanying Documents: