11 North London Waste Plan Adoption PDF 151 KB
Reference from the Cabinet
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report and a reference from the Cabinet, which were introduced by the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment. Following a comment from a Member, it was
THAT, having considered the results of the equalities impact assessment set out in Appendices C and D of the report, and having had due regard to the obligations set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2022, the North London Waste Plan, as set out in Appendix B to this report, which incorporates the amendments recommended by the Planning Inspector who carried out the public examination of the Plan, be adopted.
Under Council Procedure Rule 20.5, Councillor Berry requested that her vote against the recommendation be recorded in the minutes.
9 North London Waste Plan Adoption (SC/2022/09) PDF 298 KB
Report of the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment
This report seeks adoption of the North London Waste Plan following the Plan passing public examination. The Council has worked with six partner boroughs to produce the Plan, which sets out sites for the management of north London’s waste, and policies for determining planning applications for waste facilities.
On adoption by the Council, North London Waste Plan will form part of Camden’s statutory development plan and the basis (with other statutory development plan documents) for the Council’s planning decisions relating to waste facilities.
The report is coming to the Cabinet because the Council’s Constitution requires all strategic planning policy documents to be agreed by Cabinet. Cabinet is asked to refer the adoption of the North London Waste Plan to the meeting of the Council on 4 July 2022. Legislation requires local plans to be adopted by full Council. |
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment. The Cabinet Member introduced the report with the recommendation that the North London Waste Plan Adoption be referred to Full Council.
THAT having considered the results of the equalities impact assessment set out in Appendices C and D and having due regard to the obligations set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2022 the Cabinet:
1. Noted the content of the report and the Inspector’s Report on the North London Waste Plan (as set out in Appendix A of the report);
2. Agreed to refer the report and the appended documents to full Council with the recommendation to adopt the North London Waste Plan (set out in Appendix B of the report), which incorporated the amendments recommended by the Planning Inspector who carried out the public examination of the Plan.
For the reasons set out in the report.