Venue: The Council Chamber, Crowndale Centre, 218 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1BD
Contact: Donna Alexander-Morrison Deputy Manager Committee Services
No. | Item |
Guidance on Hybrid Meetings PDF 228 KB To agree the procedures for the operation of hybrid meetings.
Minutes: RESOLVED –
THAT the guidance on hybrid meetings be agreed. |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Beales. |
Declarations by Members of Statutory Disclosable Pecuniary Interests, Compulsory Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests and Voluntary Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests in Matters on this Agenda Minutes: There were no declarations. |
Announcements Webcasting of the Meeting
The Chair to announce the following: “In addition to the rights by law that the public and press have to record and film public meetings, I would like to remind everyone present that this meeting will be broadcast live by the Council to the Internet and will be capable of repeated viewing and copies of the recording could be made available to those that request them.
If you are seated in the chamber it is likely that the Council’s cameras will capture your image and you are deemed to be consenting to being filmed and to the use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and/or training purposes. If you are addressing the Committee your contribution will be recorded and broadcast unless you have already indicated that you do not wish this to happen.
If you wish to avoid appearing on the Council’s webcast you should move to one of the galleries.”
Any Other Announcements
Minutes: Broadcast of the meeting
The Chair reminded those present that the meeting was being broadcast live by the Council to the internet and could be viewed for twelve months thereafter and then archived and made available on request. Anyone who had asked to address the meeting was deemed to be consenting to having their contribution recorded and broadcast and to the use of the sound recordings and images for webcasting and/or training purposes.
Deputations Requests to address the Cabinet on a matter on its agenda must be made in writing to the clerk named on the front of this agenda by 5pm two working days before the meeting.
Minutes: There were no deputations. |
Notification of Any Items of Business that the Chair Decides to Take as Urgent Minutes: There was no notification of urgent business. |
Representations Received about Why the Meeting Should be Open to the Public On occasions part of a Cabinet meeting will be held in private and not open to the public, if an item is being considered which is likely to lead to the disclosure of exempt or confidential information. In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, members of the public can make representations about why that part of the meeting should be open to the public.
No such representations were received in respect of items on this agenda. Minutes: There were no representations. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2023. Minutes: RESOLVED –
THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 18th January 2023 be approved and signed as a correct record. |
Matters Referred from a Council Scrutiny Committee At this point in the meeting items referred from a Council Scrutiny Committee requiring urgent consideration will be taken.
Minutes: There were no matters referred.
Please note that there were no alternative options considered or rejected by the Cabinet for the following items, unless indicated, although Cabinet Members duly considered, where applicable, options listed within the reports.
Strategy for Diversity in the Public Realm (SC/2022/51) PDF 216 KB Report of the Cabinet Member for Voluntary Sector, Equalities and Cohesion
This report accompanies the Camden Strategy for Diversity in the Public Realm to 2028. The strategy aims to increase equality, diversity, and inclusion in public spaces in Camden, including parks and green spaces, high streets, public art, planning, Community Investment Programmes, and the naming of places. Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for Voluntary Sector, Equalities and Cohesion that set out the strategy and action plan to increase equality, diversity and representtion in the public realm in Camden. In introducing the report Councillor Shah spoke about how the strategy would help to empower Camden’s underrepresented communities, shape the rich cultural heritage of the borough and contribute to an improved sense of place.
Members welcomed the report and asked about what activities were planned. In response the Cabinet Member spoke about the proposals to commission artists to work with local communities on projects to reanimate their highstreets, and public realm.
The Leader thanked officers for the development of the strategy and remarked that the voices of Camden’s communities would be central to the changes in their local spaces.
THAT having had due regard to the obligations set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, and having considered the results of the Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix C of the report), that the following be agreed:
· The adoption and planned implementation of Camden’s proposed Strategy for Diversity in the Public Realm.
For the reasons set out in the report |
New Homes for Small Sites Programme - Phase 1 (SC/2023/29) PDF 144 KB Report of the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment.
The New Homes for Small Sites Programme sets out an approach for delivering new homes on under-utilised estate and infill sites across the borough. This report outlines the delivery strategy for a linked package of sites to be progressed as Phase 1 of the programme.
This report builds on the Cabinet decision made in September 2021, (SC/2021/23), and seeks budget approval to secure planning consent on sites identified for direct delivery of new affordable homes by the Council and enable the further development and preparation of sites for sale.
Following the previous Cabinet decision, engagement work began with residents and communities on the New Homes for Small Sites Programme. This report updates Cabinet on the findings of the engagement programme and recommends 5 sites are progressed towards the delivery of up to 73 additional genuinely affordable homes on existing estates.
Part II: Exempt from Publication
This report has an appendix which contains information exempt within the meaning of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 and is not for publication. The appendix has therefore been circulated to Cabinet Members only.
If the Cabinet wishes to discuss the contents of a closed exempt appendix it may pass the proposed resolution identified at the end of the document to exclude members of the public and the press from the proceedings for that discussion.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment that set out the approach that would provide 44 affordable new homes on underutilised sites across the borough. The report outlined the delivery strategy for the sites to be progressed as Phase 1 of the programme.
Members welcomed the report and remarked that the proposals, in the absence of government funding, would help to meet the urgent need for social housing for Camden’s communities.
THAT having considered the results of the Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix 1 of the report), initial engagement (Appendix 3 of the report) and having had due regard to the obligations set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, that the following be agreed:-
(i) The overall proposed delivery strategy (“New Homes for Small Sites Delivery Strategy”), set out in Section 2 of the report;
(ii) Authority be delegated to the Executive Director Supporting Communities in consultation with the Executive Director Corporate Services , the Cabinet Member for New Homes, Jobs and Community Investment, the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living, the Cabinet Member for Better Homes, the Director of Development, Head of Property and Borough Solicitor, to make all decisions and carry out all actions reasonably required to action and implement the delivery of the New Homes for Small Sites Strategy, for the sites listed at 2.11, such decisions to include; (a) Approval of development schemes for the Phase 1 Delivery Sites listed, (this to include up to Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Stage 3, Planning stage, with budget established to fund work to secure planning consent as set out in Part II of the report) (b) To approve all Procurement Strategies and make Contract Awards including procurement of a design team required to deliver the New Homes for Small Sites Delivery Strategy. (c) To agree a Disposals Strategy in respect of the sale of a further package of assets, as set out in the report. (d) Approval of budgets and strategy for delivery of genuinely affordable homes following planning decision. Options for the delivery strategy set out in Section 3 of the report and in Part II of the report. Reasons
For the reasons set out in the report
2023/24 Revenue Estimates and Council Tax Setting (CS/2023/03) PDF 837 KB Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living
In March 2022, we published We Make Camden – our refreshed vision for the future of Camden. It sets out what we want to collectively achieve and lead together and was developed following conversations with residents, partners and community leaders. We Make Camden highlights the big issues facing Camden that we all agree are important, alongside practical ways we can make change together and the change we want to see in the short, medium and long term.
The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) agreed by Cabinet in January 2023 not only took steps to ensure that the Council could continue to operate on a sound financial footing over the medium term, but also to aligned the Council’s limited resources to achieving the ambition for our borough, residents and communities. The recommendations in this report build on the Council’s new Medium Term Financial Strategy and will support the vision of We Make Camden to make Camden a place where everyone has a chance to succeed, where nobody gets left behind, and where everybody has a voice.
In summary this report: · Presents budget and funding proposals that will enable the Council to balance its budget in 2023/24 and utilise available resources towards the achievement of We Make Camden outcomes. Including investment in key areas of support for residents across the borough.
· Provides an update on the overall medium-term financial position for the Council, including detail from the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2023/24, and provides updates on other government announcements and the main areas of financial risk.
· Recommends a council tax increase of 4.99%, made up of: o A rise of 2.99% in the 2022/23 core council tax level to support council funding at large, and; o A rise of 2% from the levying of an Adult Social Care Precept to support the Council in its response to the unprecedented demographic and demand pressures facing adult social care.
· Sets out the required level of council tax income to balance the budget as:
o £135,714,867 which equates to a proposed Camden element of council tax of £1,466.02 at the Band D level for residents not in garden squares.
· Sets out the Garden Squares Levies for 2023/24.
· Sets out the proposed Greater London Authority precept at £434.14, for Band D properties, an increase of 9.7% on last year (subject to Greater London Authority approval of the budget), making the total council tax charge at Band D £1,900.16.
· Includes the Executive Director Corporate Services’ assessment of the adequacy of general balances available to manage financial risk and the robustness of the budget.
· Recommends fees and charges for approval by Cabinet and by Council where required.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living. Councillor Olszewski introduced the report and set out the funding proposals that would enable the Council to meet the legal requirement for a balanced budget and the planned use of resources for investment in key areas of support across the borough. The report recommended an increase in Council Tax to sustain council services in a period of financial uncertainty and the Cabinet Member spoke about the Council Tax Support Scheme and the Cost of Living Crisis Fund that was available for those residents in most need.
(i) THAT the decisions made regarding the recommendations in this report be exempt from call in (as agreed by the Chair of the Resources and Corporate Performance Scrutiny Committee) on the grounds of urgency, and for the reasons set out in paragraphs 2.3 to 2.4 of the report.
(ii) THAT it be noted that the Council had not received any feedback following the consultation with Non-Domestic Ratepayers, and that the equality impact assessment in Appendix F of the report be noted.
(iii) THAT Council be recommended: (a) To approve the council tax requirement for the year 2023/24 of £135,714,867. (b) To approve the calculations for determining the council tax requirement for the year 2023/24 in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 as set out in Appendix B. (c) To note that the 2023/24 Greater London Authority (GLA) precept set out in the report was £434.14 for Band D and was subject to Greater London Authority approval of the budget on 23 February 2023. (d) That the Council sets the amount of council tax for 2023/24 as detailed in Appendix B and notes that this will mean a Camden element of council tax of £1,466.02 for Band D residents not in Garden Squares. (e) That the Council hereby determines that its basic amount of council tax for the financial year 2023/24 was not excessive as outlined in paragraph 2.34. (f) The budget summary as set out in Appendix C of the report. (g) The budget investments included in paragraph 2.23, including the continuation of the £2m Cost of Living Crisis Fund. (h) Agree to the extension of the Council’s investment in the Voluntary Sector for another seven years as detailed in paragraphs 2.26 – 2.27 of the report. (i) The Garden Squares levy requirements received for each Garden Square Committee for 2023/24 as shown in Appendix B
(iv) THAT in relation to fees and charges; (a) Agree the new fees and charges and those increasing above 7% discussed in paragraphs 2.53 to 2.55 and in Appendix D1 and listed in Appendix D2-D3 of the report. (v) THAT the planned use of reserves in Paragraphs 2.57 to 2.64 of the report, and the adequacy of reserves as stated in Paragraph 2.65 of the report, and that no major allocations of general balances were being considered at this stage, be noted.
For the reasons set ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Treasury Management Strategy (CS/2023/04) PDF 997 KB Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living.
This report sets out the annual update of the Treasury Management Strategy for 2023/24 including the Borrowing and Investment Strategies.
This report provides a perspective on the management of investments of £560m, which includes investing up to £154m (there is an additional separate sum of €258m) on behalf of the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) and debt of £323m, and updates on external factors that impact the future treasury management plans of the Council.
In summary the report: · Presents the current economic background and outlook for interest rates which inform the operating environment for the Council’s investment and borrowing strategies. · Summarises the Council’s capital expenditure plans and forecast capital financing requirements and considers long-term borrowing needs. · Proposes a continuation of the existing borrowing strategy using internal borrowing to reduce costs. There is one loan from the existing debt maturing in 2023/24 and the Council does not plan to take on any new borrowing in the immediate future and this will minimise debt costs and is the most efficient way to approach borrowing. · Proposes the investment strategy for the coming year, with no change to the minimum credit rating criteria for investments, maintaining the focus on investment security and very high credit quality.
The report is coming to Cabinet and Council because it is a Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) requirement for the Treasury Management Strategy to be agreed by those committees.
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Cost of Living that provided the annual update of the Treasury Management Strategy for 2023/24.
THAT the Council be recommended to agree the following: (i) The Borrowing Strategy as set out in paragraphs 2.10 – 2.20 and Appendix 2 of the report; (ii) The operational boundaries and authorised limits in Appendix 2 (treasury indicator 2) of the report; (iii) The prudential and treasury management indicators set out in the tables presented in Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the report; (iv) The Investment Strategy as set out in paragraphs 2.21 – 2.32 and Appendix 3 of the report; (v) The creditworthiness policy and credit rating criteria as set out in Appendix 3 (Table 1) of the report; (vi) The investment instruments categorised as specified and non-specified in Appendix 4 of the report; and (vii) The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy for depreciating assets set out in Appendix 6 of the report.
For the reasons set out in the report.
Report of the Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Camden
The Cabinet is being asked to approve the introduction of Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) prohibiting antisocial behaviour (ASB) associated with irresponsible dog ownership for: · Failure to clear up dog faeces by the person in charge of the dog · Failing to comply with a request to place a dog on a lead if requested by an authorised officer · The exclusion of dogs from specified types of areas
The report is coming to the Cabinet because ASB associated with irresponsible dog ownership is a key concern for communities in Camden and the use of a PSPO would impose new restrictions and legal penalties.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to a report of the Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Camden that was welcomed by Members as a measure to address irresponsible dog ownership in the borough.
(i) THAT the Public Spaces Protection Order, as set out in section 3 and in the form of the draft order attached at appendix A of the report, for a period of 3 years be approved, and (ii) THAT authority to take all steps to implement the full scope of the Public Space Protection Order be delegated to the Executive Director Supporting Communities. (iii) THAT the Leader of the Council delegates to the Cabinet Member for a Sustainable Camden the authority to take any decision to extend the period for which the Public Space Protection Order (‘PSPO’) has effect or to vary the PSPO after having taken into account the results of any consultation and Equality Impact Assessment.
For the reasons set out in the report.
Any Other Business that the Chair Decides to Take as Urgent Minutes: There was no urgent business. |