Venue: The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. View directions
Contact: Lesley Blue Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: An apology was received from Councillor Knight.
Declarations by Members of Personal and Prejudicial Interests in respect of items on this agenda Minutes: There were none.
Deputations Minutes: Deputations were received from:-
Kenji Hirasawa Jean Dollimore – Camden Cycling Campaign
Announcements (If any) Minutes: There were none.
Notification of any items of business that the chair decides to take as urgent Minutes: There were no urgent items of business.
To receive and approve the minutes of the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 17 October 2011 and the minutes of the special meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 16 November 2011.
Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of meeting of the Scrutiny Committee held on 17 October 2011 and the special meeting held on 16 November 2011 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Camden Transport Strategy (Local Implementation Plan 2) Progress Update PDF 398 KB Camden’s Transport Strategy (CTS) for the borough was approved for submission to the Mayor of London on 4th August 2011 and was approved by the Mayor of London on 11 October 2011. The CTS also forms Camden’s Local Implementation Plan 2 (LIP2), which boroughs are statutorily required to produce as set out in the Greater London Authority Act 1999. The CTS includes a three year programme of works as well as a number of targets up to 2025. This report provides an update of the progress made so far in delivering the CTS. Road safety was the subject of a special Culture and Environment Scrutiny meeting that held on the 16th November 2011. This report also makes particular reference to the work Camden is already doing as part of the CTS to improve road safety in the borough. Responses to the specific issues raised at the special scrutiny meeting will follow.
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Transport introduced the Camden Transport Strategy and explained that the report demonstrated how the Council were meeting targets including aspects of training to improve road safety. He pointed out that there was a need to retain a balance, ensuring that road safety issues were being addressed effectively and efficiently within progressing schemes based on specific focus issues.
The Head of Transport Services outlined Camden’s Transport Strategy (CTS) for the borough which was approved for submission to the Mayor of London on 4th August 2011 and was approved by the Mayor of London on 11 October 2011. The CTS also formed Camden’s Local Implementation Plan 2 (LIP2), which boroughs were statutorily required to produce as set out in the Greater London Authority Act 1999. The CTS included a three year programme of works as well as a number of targets up to 2025. The report provided an update of the progress made so far in delivering the CTS, which represents the overall transport vision for the borough and contained:-
The Camden Transport Strategy was based on evidence and included widespread and strong links with other Camden Council policies and strategies across the Council, as follows:-
Road safety was the subject of a special Culture and Environment Scrutiny meeting that was held on the 16th November 2011. The report also made particular reference to the work Camden was doing as part of the CTS to improve road safety in the borough. Responses to the specific issues raised at the special scrutiny meeting were to follow. Members gave consideration to the content of the report and presentation, and specifically asked questions in relation to the Strategy.
RESOLVED: That the Scrutiny Committee note the content of this report.
Road Safety Discussion with Transport for London The Scrutiny Committee will receive feedback from a representative of Transport for London on road safety issues. Copy of a presentation to follow.
Minutes: The Chair introduced Mr Nigel Hardy, Head of Capital Development for Transport for London (TfL) who provided the Committee with a presentation on the following key projects currently being undertaken by Transport for London, as follows:-
• Kings Cross Junction Improvements • Cycle Safety in London • HGV’s and Cyclists • Review of Cycle Safety • Scheme Development and Funding • Camden Road Schemes
Members considered and questioned Mr Hardy on the proposals and ongoing projects of Transport for London to clarify current progress and future implications. Following detailed consideration of the Camden Transport Strategy report, as outlined at agenda item 7 and the presentation from Transport for London the Scrutiny Committee requested the following recommendations to be submitted to the Cabinet Member for Sustainability and Transport to action and respond to the Scrutiny Committee on progress at their next meeting on 16 February 2012 with an update.
The Chair of the Committee agreed to formulate the recommendations in liaison with the Director of Culture and Environment and a copy of this request to the Cabinet Member be submitted to all Cabinet Members and the Proper Officer in line with the Council’s Constitution procedure rules.
Sustainability Plan update PDF 652 KB This report presents a six month update on progress in delivering Green Action for Change, LB Camden’s environmental sustainability plan (2011-2020), which was adopted by Cabinet on 6th April. The update covers the period from April to September 2011.
Minutes: The Head of Corporate Sustainability presented a six month update on progress in delivering Green Action for Change, London Borough of Camden’s environmental sustainability plan (2011-2020), which was adopted by Cabinet on 6th April 2011. The update covered the period from April to September 2011.
The progress report updated the Committee on: • Measures of success for the 5 environmental issues • Objectives within the 6 action chapters • Progress against the most significant actions.
It was reported that good progress was being made, but there were two areas of concern: • Air quality (NO2 levels) • The Green Deal
The Committee gave careful consideration to the report and presentation of the Head of Corporate Sustainability and progress was welcomed. The Chair invited Councillor De Souza to comment on the content of the report together with a tabled paper from Councillor De Souza on areas of concern in relation to sustainability which highlighted the following areas for consideration, as appropriate, by the Council:-
· Recycling be given more prominence and a greater push to residents, the voluntary and community sector and business to do · Camden to reduce its own energy emissions for greater transparency so the detail of all our measures be published on-line so all can learn from this and challenge if necessary. · Insulation - that the Cabinet explore the possibility of a Birmingham type scheme in Camden, working with neighbouring boroughs to achieve this. · Solar electricity – that a publication of a clear and transparent schedule of the Council’s plans, and that in every housing estate/building up for repair this option is considered. · CHP – that greater clarity of the plans to create a green corridor of CHP in the Euston Road area, as well as by the Royal Free be communicated · Travel - The Local Implementation Plan has now been finalised, but Councillor De Souza requested :-
(a) immediate measures to ensure that HGV drivers operating in Camden have proper training and side bars on their trucks, (b) increase the numbers of cycle stands to make up for lost railings. (c) development of a post-Olympics plan for the Euston Road which makes the area more attractive to workers and residents as well as safer for all (d) development of a visionary strategy for cycling and walking that provides for real change in how we travel around the boroughs; (e) Cabinet Member's proposals to follow up from the recent Air Quality summit (f) a public and open forum of Council, Environmental Groups, Councillors, VCS and business to meet and work together to ensure Camden acts to achieve the 40% reduction in C emissions which we are committed to. RESOLVED: i) That the content of the report be noted; and That officers consider, where possible, the requests of Councillor De Souza as detailed (a) – (f) as above and as agreed by the Scrutiny Committee |
Severe Weather Update PDF 25 KB This report updates the Culture and Environment Scrutiny panel on how Camden plans to handle any severe weather during the 2011/12 winter period.
The full report is available at
Brief information is included from Housing & Adult Social Care and from Children, Schools & Families, but the main focus of the report is on Culture & Environment resources and procedures, as the Directorate responsible for the significant delivery of winter response on the public highways of Camden.
Additional documents: Minutes: This report updates the Culture and Environment Scrutiny Committee on how Camden plans to handle any severe weather during the 2011/12 winter period.
The full report was available at
Brief information was included from Housing & Adult Social Care and from Children, Schools & Families, but the main focus of the report was on Culture & Environment resources and procedures, as the Directorate responsible for the significant delivery of winter response on the public highways of Camden.
The Camden Severe Weather and Winter Service plan is an operational plan and policy document informed by recent heavy winter weather (late December 2009, February 2010 and December 2010)
The collective response to these episodes has been subject to national and regional reviews. Camden’s own response was reviewed at Culture & Environment Scrutiny in early 2011, and as a result nationally arrangements for allocation of limited grit resources have been strengthened. Regionally (London) arrangements have been strengthened, with a joint identification of priority routes for gritting, and arrangements for mutual aid in grit supplies where needed.
The London Borough of Camden, as Highways Authority, had a duty under the Highways Act 1980 …“to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice”.
In order to meet this duty the plan / service objectives are to: • Minimise delays, accidents and damage resulting from ice and snow; • Undertake severe weather and winter service effectively and efficiently • Try to prevent ice from forming on priority routes by precautionary gritting • Melt ice and snow already formed by post-gritting • Remove snow causing an obstruction
It was reported that is was not possible to cover all routes at all times and the plan was based on both prioritisation assessed through a risk analysis and national best practice.
The presentation informed the Scrutiny Committee of the services provided by the Council and Veoila Environmental Services in respect of dealing with severe winter weather issues.
RESOLVED: That the content of the report be noted.
Presentation on Placeshaping and draft Kentish Town Place Plan PDF 50 KB This presentation briefly summarises current placeshaping and place-based work and introduces the draft Place Plan for the Kentish Town area, on which the Committee is invited to comment.
Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report and presentation of the Director of Culture & Environment which briefly summarised current placeshaping and place-based work. The report introduced the draft Place Plan for the Kentish Town area, on which the Committee was invited to comment.
The Committee received the report and presentation and made no further comment on the progress of the Kentish Town Place Plan.
RESOLVED: That the content of the report be noted.
Camden Financial Strategy Update PDF 545 KB This report updates the Cabinet on the preparations on setting the Council’s budget for 2012/13. It provides an overview of the current financial situation, updates on the delivery of the Savings Programme and reviews the assumptions within the indicative budget agreed by Cabinet in February 2011.
It advises the Cabinet of resource that is available on a one off basis during the delivery of the Savings Programme and sets out plans to manage this in line with the Council’s financial strategy.
The report contains the results of a review of the Council’s Income policy and details the revised policy and the consequent proposed Fees and Charges for 2012/13. The report also updates the Cabinet on the Capital Programme.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Consideration was given to the report of the Director of Finance which updated Members on the preparations for setting the Council’s budget for 2012/13. It provided an overview of the current financial situation, updated on the delivery of the Savings Programme and reviewed the assumptions within the indicative budget agreed by Cabinet in February 2011.
It advised of the current position with regard to the 2012/13 budget and the potential opportunity for one off resource in line with the Council’s financial strategy.
The report contained the results of a review of the Council’s Income policy and detailed the revised policy and the consequent proposed Fees and Charges for 2012/13. The report also updated Members on the Capital Programme.
RESOLVED: That the content of the report be noted.
The Scrutiny Committee will consider their proposed work programme for 2011-12. Minutes: The Committee considered and agreed the work programme for 2011-12.
Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting of the Culture & Environment Scrutiny Committee will be held on 16 February 2012. Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of the Culture & Environment Scrutiny Committee would be held on Thursday 16 February 2012.