Agenda and minutes

Culture and Environment Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 17th July, 2013 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. View directions

Contact: Lesley Blue  Email:

No. Item




An apology was received from Councillor Valerie Leach, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Growth.  Councillor Maya de Souza informed the meeting that she would need to leave the meeting early.



Declarations by Members of Pecuniary, Non-Pecuniary and Other Interests in Respect of Items on this Agenda




The Chair advised the Committee that he had received an urgent deputation from Stefano Casalotti, who wished to address the Committee in relation to a recent tragic incident of the death of a cyclist in Holborn on 16 July 2013; and the potential risks that face cyclists on the Borough’s road network. 



Announcements (If any)


There were none.



Notification of any items of business that the chair decides to take as urgent


There were none.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 166 KB


That the minutes of the meeting of the Culture and Environment Scrutiny Committee held on 5th June 2013 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to the amendment in relation to Cllr McCormack’s declaration of interest be amended to ‘declared a non-pecuniary interest in Minute No. 8, due to her work with a charity in the Borough but this charity was not specifically identified in the report’.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 53 KB

This work programme is presented to the Scrutiny Committee to consider and put forward items that they wish to be addressed within the period of 2013/14.


Additional documents:


The Head of Strategy and Directorate Support presented the report of the Director of Culture and Environment which asked the Scrutiny Committee to consider and put forward items that they wished to be addressed within the period of 2013/14.  He advised that in addition to the items proposed for the September meeting of the Committee, consideration of the Local Development Framework (LDF) may also be included.


Members raised the following potential items:-


·         Contractor performance – members were advised that this was an item for consideration by the Resources and Corporate Performance Scrutiny Committee

·         Planning Consultation – consideration of this item would be covered under the wider planning issues item at a future meeting

·         Festivals funding – A update on future funding of festivals was to be considered at a future meeting

·         School Transport Plan – the Committee were to receive regular updates as appropriate.

·         Open space – creation of a new public park – the Committee were to consider this issue at a future meeting




That the content of the report be noted.



**Euston Area Plan pdf icon PDF 680 KB

When Camden Council resolved unanimously to oppose HS2 in July 2011 it was also agreed that it should work on the production of a plan for the Euston area to guide future decisions on planning applications and to secure the best outcomes for Camden. The Euston Area Plan (EAP) seeks to reflect aspirations of local people and businesses in pursuing this objective, and is a framework which can be applied to any future redevelopment of the station, involving HS2 or others.  The plan will address a range of strategic objectives in the Camden Plan, including working with partners to address inequalities through regeneration; supporting and developing sustainable communities, and harnessing the benefits of economic growth.


The Euston Area Plan is a planning document to be adopted as part of Camden’s Local Development Framework and Supplementary Planning Guidance to the London Plan. It is being jointly produced by the London Borough of Camden, the Greater London Authority and Transport for London in response to the potential of a High Speed Two (HS2) terminus at Euston. In producing the plan, Camden in no way accepts that the current HS2 proposition for Euston is acceptable and will continue to work to oppose it.


This report outlines the work completed to date in preparing the Euston Area Plan; the broad content of the draft plan which is proposed for consultation; and the draft Sustainability Appraisal.



Additional documents:


            Councillor Jones, Cabinet Member for Sustainability presented the report of the Director of Culture and Environment which outlined the work completed to date in preparing the Euston Area Plan; the broad content of the draft plan proposed for consultation; and the draft Sustainability Appraisal.


            It was reported that when Camden Council resolved unanimously to oppose HS2 in July 2011 it was also agreed that it should work on the production of a plan for the Euston area to guide future decisions on planning applications and to secure the best outcomes for Camden. The Euston Area Plan (EAP) seeks to reflect aspirations of local people and businesses in pursuing this objective, and was a framework which could be applied to any future redevelopment of the station, involving HS2 or others.  The plan will address a range of strategic objectives in the Camden Plan, including working with partners to address inequalities through regeneration; supporting and developing sustainable communities, and harnessing the benefits of economic growth.


            The Euston Area Plan was a planning document to be adopted as part of Camden’s Local Development Framework and Supplementary Planning Guidance to the London Plan. It was being jointly produced by the London Borough of Camden, the Greater London Authority and Transport for London in response to the potential of a High Speed Two (HS2) terminus at Euston. In producing the plan, Camden in no way accepts that the current HS2 proposition for Euston was acceptable and will continue to work to oppose it.


            Councillor Jones explained that the plan provided positive outcomes for the Euston area of the Borough and demonstrated that Euston needed investment regardless of whether HS2 proceeds or not involving improvements to transport.


            Members raised questions in relation to:-

·         Loss of houses – officers confirmed that if all proposed plans took place there was likely to be a net addition of approximately 450 houses

·         Community consultation processes used

·         Aspirational plan and how has this reflected the local economy?




            That the content of the report be noted.




2nd Annual Review of Green Action for Change pdf icon PDF 414 KB

This report presents a draft second annual review of Green Action for Change (GAfC), LB Camden’s environmental sustainability plan (2011-2020), which provides a summary of the progress made from April 2012 to the end of March 2013 and an updated action plan for 2013/14.


Green Action for Change provides the framework for the delivery of a number of environmental commitments in the Camden Plan, principally under the theme of creating sustainable neighbourhoods.


Additional documents:


            Councillor Phil Jones presented the report of the Director of Culture and Environment which provided a draft second annual review of Green Action for Change (GAfC), LB Camden’s environmental sustainability plan (2011-2020), which provided a summary of the progress made from April 2012 to the end of March 2013 and an updated action plan for 2013/14.


            Green Action for Change provided the framework for the delivery of a number of environmental commitments in the Camden Plan, principally under the theme of creating sustainable neighbourhoods.


            It was reported that there were five key environmental issues and targets in respect of:-


·         Reducing Camden’s carbon emissions

·         Adapting to a changing climate

·         Improving air quality

·         Reducing, reusing and recycling waste

·         Enhancing biodiversity, improving green spaces and involvement in gardening and food growing


            The Scrutiny Committee were updated on the progress made to date and the key achievements in 2012/13 for the Green Action for Change (GAfC) under the following headings:-


·         Leading by example as a council

·         Creating the foundations for success – planning, infrastructure and capacity

·         Empowering our communities

·         Encouraging businesses, institutions and the voluntary and community sector to play a leading role

·         Encouraging schools, children and young people to play a leading role

·         Improving homes and supporting households


            It was highlighted that at the outset the Council had secured over £5m external funding for sustainability measures in 2012/13, principally for carbon reduction and alleviating fuel poverty in the domestic sector, but also for flooding and air quality.  A further £2.4m was secured from Transport for London for transport projects through Camden’s Local Implementation Plan (LIP).  The main focus of Camden’s LIP was to reduce car use and the associated impacts of deteriorating air quality and carbon emissions, and to prioritise and enable sustainable transport choices.


            Members challenged officers and the Cabinet member on the progress of the Green Action for Change and received an update on progress and further work that was ongoing or planned.  A key aim was to encourage communities and businesses to become proactively involved in the sustainability issues through Green Action for Change to achieve results.




            That the content of the report be noted.




Three year LIP Programme pdf icon PDF 329 KB

Camden’s current 3 year programme of investment as set out in Camden’s Transport Strategy ends this financial year (2013/14).  This report provides details of the proposed programme of investment for the next 3 years, 2014/15 to 2016/17.


The report details the work done to develop the new programme, which is largely funded by TfL through the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) programme and Council revenue.  The report shows the wider policy objectives that have influenced the Camden Transport Strategy, such as the Camden Plan.  Other funding opportunities exist outside LIP and Council revenue, such as Mayor’s Cycle Vision, TfL Greenways programme, health, air quality and s106 and third party contributions, which are also discussed.


This report also considers an amended approach to future development of Camden’s Transport Capital Programme based on a rolling programme development (as opposed to developing a new 3 year programme every 3 years) and a separation of feasibility and implementation work to enable a robust approach to over-programming. 


Additional documents:



            Councillor Maya de Souza left the meeting during consideration of this item.


            Camden’s current 3 year programme of investment as set out in Camden’s Transport Strategy ends this financial year (2013/14).  The report of the Director of Culture and Environment provided details of the proposed programme of investment for the next 3 years, 2014/15 to 2016/17.


            Councillor Phil Jones presented the report of the Director of Culture and Environment which detailed the work done to develop the new programme, which was largely funded by Transport for London (TfL) through the Local Implementation Plan (LIP) programme and Council revenue.  The report showed the wider policy objectives that have influenced the Camden Transport Strategy, such as the Camden Plan.  Other funding opportunities existed outside LIP and Council revenue, such as Mayor’s Cycle Vision, TfL Greenways programme, health, air quality and s106 and third party contributions, which were also discussed.


            The report also considered an amended approach to future development of Camden’s Transport Capital Programme based on a rolling programme development (as opposed to developing a new 3 year programme every 3 years) and a separation of feasibility and implementation work to enable a robust approach to over-programming. 


            Councillor Jones highlighted that the aim of the Transport Plan was not to make a lot of small changes but to look at major changes which focus on key priorities and targeted investment with the use of limited resources. 


            In response to members queries, officers explained that the Transport Plan aimed to work in a more holistic approach to minimise risk to public safety while linking transport issues with impact on regeneration.  When asked about the relationship with TfL it was identified that there were some problems with communication but the Council was continuing to work closely with them to address issues as this was a crucial partnership that needed to work to achieve the aims of the Transport Plan.  It was noted that Camden officers had a good reputation for success in gaining funding for transport projects, but the Head of Transport Strategy reported that the awarding of funding had now changed to an allocation basis and therefore this had had an impact for Camden.  The Assistant Director, Environment and Transport advised that the aim was to spend less on planned maintenance but not with a detrimental impact but rather a smarter approach to maintenance of roads.




            That the content of the report be noted.



Borough-wide 20mph Speed Limit pdf icon PDF 220 KB

In December 2012 Cabinet considered a report entitled ‘Borough-wide 20 mph limit’ and gave approval for a public consultation on the proposal for a borough-wide 20mph speed limit.  This report summarises the findings of the public consultation and officers’ recommendation. 


Additional documents:


            In December 2012 Cabinet considered a report entitled ‘Borough-wide 20 mph limit’ and gave approval for a public consultation on the proposal for a borough-wide 20mph speed limit.  The report of the Director of Culture and Environment summarised the findings of the public consultation and officers’ recommendation.


            Councillor Phil Jones presented the report of the Director of Culture and Environment which detailed the findings of the public consultation for the introduction of a borough-wide 20 mph speed limit, which ran from 11 February 2013 to 25 March 2013.  As a result of this consultation it was being recommended to Cabinet to implement a borough-wide 20mph limit on all roads managed by Camden, as set out in section 6 of the report, subject to compliance with the statutory requirements relating to the making of amendments to Traffic Management Orders, which would be required to implement the scheme.  Councillor Jones thanked the Scrutiny Committee for their support on the proposal and the ongoing cross party support of this issue.




            That the content of the report be noted.



* Medium Term Financial Strategy 2013 - 2018 pdf icon PDF 877 KB




This report provides an overview of the Council’s financial position.  In particular the report contains an update on three main areas.  The report updates the Cabinet on the Council’s medium-term financial position and its strategy to respond to this.  Secondly, the report also notes the capital outturn position and revised spending profiles for future capital spend.  Finally the report discusses the draft 2012/13 revenue and outturn and makes proposals for the use of the unallocated year-end underspend, and provides an update on the effect on Earmarked Reserves.


The report is to be presented to Cabinet because decisions are required regarding the allocation of year-end balances and the adoption of the new medium-term strategy to deal with the projected budget deficit.


            Councillor Jones left the meeting during consideration of this item.


            The Strategic Finance Manager presented the report of the Director of Finance which provided an overview of the Council’s financial position.  In particular the report contained an update on three main areas.  The report was to update the Cabinet on the Council’s medium-term financial position and its strategy to respond to this.  Secondly, the report also noted the capital outturn position and revised spending profiles for future capital spend.  Finally the report discussed the draft 2012/13 revenue and outturn and made proposals for the use of the unallocated year-end underspend, and provided an update on the effect on Earmarked Reserves.


            The report was to be presented to Cabinet on 24 July 2013, because decisions are required regarding the allocation of year-end balances and the adoption of the new medium-term strategy to deal with the projected budget deficit.


            The summary of the analysis, as outlined in the report, showed that the Council will face a growing deficit from 2014/15 which was expected to reach £60m by 2017/18.  If the Council did not take further action a budget deficit would open up from 2015/16 that would reach £58m by 2017/18.  The deficit was in addition to efficiencies of £10m that the Council needed to find to ensure a balanced budget for 2014/15.


            The Strategic Finance Manager advised the Scrutiny Committee that the key points in the report in relation to Culture and Environment Directorate were in relation to a recommendation to Cabinet to agree to allocate an additional £0.37m of support to the Voluntary and Communities Sector in 2014/15, which were to help achieve savings over the next MTFS period, as described in points 4.22 – 4.26 of the report and Appendix H; and a further recommendation to Cabinet to agree the new fees and charges as laid out in Appendix I.  The Assistant Director, Communities added that the funding arrangements for the Voluntary and Communities Sector was changing and therefore the recommendation to Cabinet was proposed to enable increased security for the VCS during the period of change until 2016.




            That the content of the report be noted.



C & E Year- end Performance Report pdf icon PDF 53 KB

This report summarises performance of the culture & environment directorate in the previous year.


Additional documents:


            The Head of Strategy and Directorate Support presented the report which summarised performance of the Culture and Environment Directorate in the previous year.


            The report provided a draft outcomes framework of key measures to demonstrate success, how performance was managed in the Council and a focus on looking at outcomes rather than input.  The report was a year end snap shot and a similar report was to be presented to all Scrutiny Committees.  The aim was not just to capture change but also the transformational process.  The report was set out on a portfolio basis highlighting key successes and challenges.


            Members welcomed the report but suggested that the report contained a larger than necessary focus on looking ahead rather than detailed review of previous year’s performance.  Officers were grateful for members critical analysis of the reintroduction of the report and the comments were helpful to develop future reports on performance.




            That the content of the report be noted.



Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Culture & Environment Scrutiny Committee will be held on Wednesday 18 September 2013 commencing at 6.30pm


The next meeting of the Culture & Environment Scrutiny Committee will be held on Wednesday 18 September 2013 commencing at 6.30pm