
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) - Thursday, 7th November, 2024 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. View directions

Contact: Anoushka Clayton-Walshe  Principal Committee Officer

No. Item


Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

To elect the Chair and Vice-Chair of Camden SACRE for the 2024-25 academic year.



Broadcast of the meeting


The Chair to announce the following: ‘In addition to the rights by law that the public and press have to record this meeting, I would like to remind everyone that this meeting is being broadcast live by the Council to the Internet and can be viewed on our website for twelve months after the meeting. After that time, webcasts are archived and can be made available upon request.


If you have asked to address the meeting, you are deemed to be consenting to having your contributions recorded and broadcast, including video when switched on, and to the use of those sound recordings and images for webcasting and/or training purposes.’


Any other announcements


Apologies for Absence


Declarations of pecuniary, non-pecuniary and other interests in respect of items on this agenda


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2024.


Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 927 KB

To note the terms of reference for Camden SACRE.


Membership of Camden SACRE pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To note the membership of Camden SACRE.


Faith Forum Update pdf icon PDF 85 KB

A Camden Faith Forum representative will provide a verbal update on their work since the last meeting in May 2024.


  • Faith award winners and case studies 
  • Interfaith week events 
  • 2025 plans for network briefings and events 



Determination Renewal Application - Gospel Oak pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Members are asked to consider and make an agreement on Gospel Oak's determination renewal application. Documents for consideration include the application, RE advisor visit report, and the Assembly Policy.

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NASACRE Annual Conference on 19 May 2025 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

This update is to inform members of the date and venue of the NASACRE annual conference and looking to see who can represent Camden SACRE.

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SACRE Annual Self-evaluation Toolkit and Actions pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Annually Camden SACRE uses the national criteria to assess where it is in the development as a SACRE. At the meeting members will work through the toolkit together and develop and agree the SACRE annual plan for this academic year.

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Possible Interventions and Developments for Religious Education pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Camden SACRE will consider what interventions to run with the Local Authority in this academic year for Religious Education and what funding to make an application for.

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Draft 2024-25 SACRE Priorities pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Members will be asked if they have any suggestions of points to add or edit on this draft document and asked to agree a set of development targets for this academic year.

Additional documents:


Any Other Business