Agenda and minutes

Leader of the Council - Wednesday, 27th June, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE. View directions

Contact: Vicky Wemyss-Cooke  Principal Committee Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests in Respect of Items on this Agenda


There were no declarations.




There were no announcements.


Deputations pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Deputation requests have been received as follows:-


Item 6 – Brunswick Square Walking and Cycling Improvements


·         Camden Cycling Campaign/London Living Streets


Item 7 – Midland Road and Judd Street Walking and Cycling Improvements


·         Jo Wright, Patisserie Deux Amis, Judd Street

·         Fiona Dealey, Wicklow Street

·         Charles Scully, Lord John Russell Public House

·         Ray Alleeson, RMT

·         Camden Cycling Campaign/London Living Streets


Both items


·         Bloomsbury Residents Action Group (BRAG)

·         Marchmont Association

·         Elizabeth Paul


Additional documents:


Deputations were heard from the following:-


Item 6 – Brunswick Square Walking and Cycling Improvements


John Hartley, Camden Cycling Campaign/London Living Streets


Item 7 – Midland Road and Judd Street Walking and Cycling Improvements


Jo Wright, Patisserie Deux Amis, Judd Street

Fiona Dealey, Wicklow Street

Charles Scully, Lord John Russell Public House

Andy Nichols, RMT

John Chamberlain, Camden Cycling Campaign/London Living Streets


Both items


Debbie Radcliffe, Bloomsbury Residents Action Group (BRAG)

Tom Reed, Marchmont Association

Elizabeth Paul


In response to the comments made by deputees and to questions from Councillor Gould, officers made the following remarks:-


·         The suggestion that only one or two roads had been consulted was not accurate and details of the area consulted was provided as an appendix to each report.

·         Comments received had been quite evenly split between concerns about congestion in the area and concerns about the access implications of the proposals.

·         Opening up Mabledon Place had been considered but would not help with congestion in the area.

·         There would be demountable bollards in Judd Street to allow emergency access.  The emergency services had been consulted but had made no comment on the proposals.  However, there was regular liaison between the Council and the emergency services which would enable them to raise any concerns that might arise.

·         It would be possible to provide a left turn into Mabledon Place but it was recommended to monitor the impact of the changes before making a decision on that.

·         It was acknowledged that there was some negative impact from the proposals, and that might be exacerbated for those with some protected characteristics in that access would take longer and be less direct, but there would also be positive impacts such as improved pedestrian safety for those visiting the RNIB.

·         79% of local residents in the area did not have access to a motor vehicle although it was acknowledged that some did need one.

·         Businesses would still be accessible on foot and would benefit in that traffic free streets were more attractive places for people to spend time and money.

·         Congestion would reduce and air quality would improve, with traffic confined to strategic routes such as Euston Road.

·         The report outlined the impact of various scenarios, including in combination with the Tavistock/Torrington scheme.

·         There would be monitoring of the impact of both schemes, including traffic counts and air quality monitoring.  The monitoring package would be agreed with Transport for London (TfL).

·         Assessing air quality impact was quite challenging as there was no linear relationship between traffic and air quality.  However the Council had a legal duty in relation to air quality and it was considered that these schemes would lead to an improvement.


The representative from TfL remarked that the aim from TfL’s perspective was to encourage people to switch to more sustainable modes of transport.  He confirmed that the idea of a resident liaison group to support the monitoring of the impact of the scheme could be considered.


·         In relation to HS2, there was no detail of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Notification of Any Items of Business that the Chair considers Urgent


There was no notification.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 156 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2017.




THAT the minutes of the meeting held on 21st June 2017 be approved and signed as a correct record.



Central London Grid, Brunswick Square - Proposed Cycling and Walking Improvements (SC/2018/19) pdf icon PDF 325 KB

Report of the Executive Director Supporting Communities


The purpose of this report is to provide details of the proposals consulted upon to improve walking, cycling and the public realm in the Brunswick Square area, which includes the following streets; Brunswick Square, Bernard Street, Lansdowne Terrace, Grenville Street and Hunter Street. It considers the schemes’ compatibility with other proposed schemes on the surrounding road network and the traffic impact on the area.  Finally it discusses the responses to the consultation including officer views taking into account Camden’s Transport Strategy (CTS) objectives and provides recommendations for approval by the Leader of the Council.


Additional documents:


Proposed Walking and Cycling Improvements: Midland Road and Judd Street Junction (SC/2018/18) pdf icon PDF 305 KB

Report of the Executive Director Supporting Communities


The purpose of this report is to provide details of the proposals consulted upon to improve walking, cycling and streetscape infrastructure on Midland Road between Brill Place and Euston Road, including the junction of Euston Road/Judd Street/Midland Road, the latter under the responsibility of Transport for London (TfL) as the highway authority for that section of the overall scheme.  These proposals form part of the Central London Cycle Grid, connecting key north-south cycling routes between Kentish Town, Bloomsbury and Elephant & Castle via the North-South Cycle Superhighway (CS6), which is currently under construction.  The report discusses the responses to the consultation including officer responses taking into account Camden’s Transport Strategy (CTS) objectives and finally provides recommendations for approval by the Leader of the Council. 


Additional documents:


As the schemes were linked, the reports were introduced consecutively.  Officers added that since the publication of the agenda, 6 further written submissions had been received, as follows:- one objecting to the Midland Road/Judd Street scheme; two in support of both schemes; and 3 objecting to both schemes.  No new issues were raised by these submissions.


Having considered the deputations and the comments of officers, Councillor Gould remarked that she recognised that these were difficult issues and that there were strong views on both sides of the argument.  However, she had to consider the wider context of the safety of all road users and the air quality in the area.  Safety for those crossing the Euston Road was a key issue and she welcomed the change to the crossing arrangements there.  She was also satisfied that there were suitable emergency access arrangements.  She was content to agree the recommendations in relation to both schemes, but wished to see a steering group set up with interested parties, including residents and local businesses, to monitor the impacts.  She also wished Transport for London to investigate providing straight across pedestrian crossings on Euston Road and report back to her on its findings.


ACTION BY:             Director of Regeneration and Planning / Transport for London

It was then




Central London Grid, Brunswick Square – Proposed Cycling and Walking Improvements


(i)            THAT the results of the public consultation on cycling and walking improvement proposals to the Brunswick Square area in the context of surrounding schemes be noted;


(ii)          THAT the assessment of the traffic impacts of the scheme, as set out in Appendix C of the report, be noted;


(iii)         THAT the legal comments of the Borough Solicitor be noted and the Equality Impact Assessment which is appended to the report be considered and noted, having had due regard to the needs set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010; and


(iv)         THAT approval be given to proceed with the implementation of the scheme as recommended in Option 2 (Section 3) of this report, subject to detailed design and compliance with statutory processes.


Proposed Walking and Cycling Improvements: Midland Road and Judd Street Junction


(i)            THAT the results of the public consultation on cycling and walking improvement proposals to the Midland Road project area in the context of surrounding schemes be noted;


(ii)          THAT the assessment of the traffic impact of the scheme as set out in Appendix C of the report be noted;


(iii)       THAT the legal comments of the Borough Solicitor be noted and the Equality Impact Assessment which is appended in this report under Appendix D be considered and noted, having due regard to the needs set out in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010;


(iv)       THAT approval be given to proceed with the implementation of the scheme as recommended in Option 2 (Section 3) of the report, subject to detailed design and compliance with statutory processes; and


(v)          THAT approval in principle be given for those elements  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent


There was no urgent business.