Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Cabinet.

Information about Cabinet

The Cabinet is made up of the Leader of the Council and up to nine Cabinet Members. Each of the Cabinet Members has an area of responsibility within the wider remit of Council services. The full list of Cabinet responsibilities, both collectively and for individual Cabinet Members, is set out in detail in Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution -  


Meetings of the Cabinet are held about 8 times per year at the Crowndale Centre. Cabinet meetings are usually open to the public to attend (although on rare occasions the Cabinet may decide to exclude the press and public from meetings if deemed necessary). The meeting dates for the current year can be found on the Council’s Decision Making in Camden webpages and you are welcome to attend a Cabinet meeting if you wish.  If you want to address the Cabinet on a matter on its agenda (known as making a deputation) you can find further information on how to do that here.


Decisions to be taken by Cabinet (or Cabinet Members individually) will be published on the Council’s Forward Plan with at least 28 days’ notice,


All meetings of the Cabinet are streamed live on the Council’s website and are available to watch for twelve months after the meeting. If you wish to watch a webcast of one of the Cabinet meetings, please visit our webcast webpage