Issue details

Prince of Wales Road Cycling and Walking Improvement Scheme

To determine whether or not to proceed with the scheme, following consultation.  The scheme proposes to improve cycling and walking facilities of Prince of Wales Road.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Haverstock; Kentish Town;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2018

Decision due: 26 Oct 2018 by Cabinet Member for Planning and a Sustainable Camden

Department: Supporting Communities

Contact: Acacia Hasler, Principal Transport Planner Email: Tel: 020 7974 2087.

Consultation process

Consultation to be carried out by post and online with all residents and businesses within the consultation area, ward councillors and statutory consultees.

Report Available: 8 October 2018

ID Number: SC/2018/43

