Title: Chair of the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee
Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour
Ward: Kentish Town South
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Cllr Meric Apak's surgeries are now all online on a first-come first-served basis so please contact the Member Support team if you need help with accessing these.
They are held on:
Third Friday of each month
Online surgery via Teams
To join, please click on this link or copy and paste it in your web browser:
When you are asked please enter your name and the joining details below:
Meeting ID: 341 850 010 722
Passcode: w2aNNf
Correspondence address:
Member Support, Town Hall
Judd Street, London
Bus. phone: 020 7974 2932
Email: meric.apak@camden.gov.uk
Web : tinyurl.com/3cpyvf8b
Download Councillor Meric Apak contact details as VCard
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