Title: Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care
Party: Labour
Political grouping: Labour
Ward: Highgate
Other councillors representing this Ward:
Fourth Friday of each month
Highgate Road Chapel
2 Chetwynd Road
Correspondence address:
Member Support
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
Bus. phone: 0207 974 2792
Email: anna.wright@camden.gov.uk
Mobile: 07980945713
Download Councillor Anna Wright contact details as VCard
The Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care leads on healthy living and ageing well in Camden, our work to address the causes and social determinants of health, our population health approach, supporting good mental health, reducing health inequalities, and supporting independence for residents with disabilities or health conditions (including health inequalities, adult social care, and adult safeguarding).