Councillor Jenny Headlam-Wells

Elected councillors receive and process personal information as part of the their duties as councillors. This Privacy Notice sets out how councillors will process this data in line with the requirements of data protection legislation.
Profile image for Councillor Jenny Headlam-Wells

Party: Labour

Political grouping: Labour

Ward: Kentish Town South

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Face to face advice surgeries are now available at the following venues.

These are drop-in sessions so there is no need to make an appointment.

Second Friday of each month
Kentish Town Library
262-266 Kentish Town Road
London NW5 2AA

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Member Support, Town Hall
Judd Street, London

Bus. phone:  020 7974 2792


Download Councillor Jenny Headlam-Wells contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 28/10/2010 -

Appointments to outside bodies